Bellwood Teams with Clementine for Landmark Westside Launch

Bellwood Teams with Clementine for Landmark Westside Launch

Clementine Creative Agency will helm strategic digital marketing and social media communications for Bellwood Homes as it launches its new homes operation with the mission to reweave the fabric of community in Atlanta’s iconic Westside neighborhoods. As the...
Web Wise: Custom vs. Template Sites

Web Wise: Custom vs. Template Sites

You know you need a website. So where do you start? Do you need to invest in a full custom website design? Or will one of the widely available out-of-the-box stock templates get the job done? How do those measure up against a custom website design and how can you know...
Clementine Honored for Website Design, Social Media

Clementine Honored for Website Design, Social Media

Clementine was honored with 3 recognitions for website design and social media work by the 2020 Hermes Creative Awards, just announced. Catching the eye of the judges this year were: Sanctuary Food Hall Splash Page GOLD Award – Website Design, Landing PageThis...
Why is Web Accessibility Important?

Why is Web Accessibility Important?

In the fast-moving world of web design, websites –and the designers, developers and brands that build them –are constantly tracking the latest popular trends and technologies. Whether you’re talking about a sleek one-page parallax design or incorporating chatbots,...